Monday, July 27, 2009

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

does olive oil work?

castor oil?

i am an african american, so i dont wash my hair everyday.

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

oh sorry no comment here I'm not sure but I don't think olive oil is good for your hair

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

I wouldn't use oil.. The best thing I've found is prenatal vitamins.. Theyre made for of course if your pregnant but they help make your hair grow and softer, they also help with nails and skin too. My doctor said theyre fine to take if youre not pregnant.. Theyre just vitamins they won't make you sick.

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

I dont know what oils you could use but i do know that heat or warmth actually speeds the growth of hair. Two weeks ago it was in the 80's in my neighborhood and my hair grew at least two inches. I hope that helps...

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

go to the vitamin store and buy biotin vitamins, if your really trying buy the biotin shampoo and conditioner too..use it everyday and eventually it wil work..its not that expensive it will be worth it when your hair is blowing in the wind..good luck!

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

u can use coconut oil or shikakai powder and make it into a plaste it help trust me... do that and your hair will grown alos u can use carrot oil or do gro but im not too too sure do groo work... but 100% pure cocnut oil should work

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

Coconut oil works great

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

you can wash ur hair once a week if u like depends on u. get coconut oil from a indian grocery store brand name parachute coconut oil and neutral henna its not costly and it does work on black people hair the long care hair forum girls use it and they are black. anyways take coconut oil and gently massage your head with it every night using your finger tips. b4 u shampoo hair do a warm oil massage using coconut oil and leave it in ur hair for 1 hr or overnite. wash off with a light herbal shampoo or even shikakai powder also neutral henna is very good it makes hair longer,stronger, and thicker

What natural oils can i use to get my hair to grow longer and as quick as possible?

Yes, coconut oil can help if you massage it daily into the scalp, but coconut oil alone will not be enough to regrow your hair. You have to attack your hairline and hair loss on the inside and the outside. Although baldness can be hereditary, depending on how early in the process you catch it and keep your hair by using a great hair growth regimen to stimulate hair regrowth. A good plan has three necessary components: a healthy eating plan, substantial water intake, and a high quality hair growth and hair care product.

Find a hair growth product that contains powerful essential oils, natural oils, natural herbs, and vitamin rich nutrients your hair needs to survive. Look for products with ingredients such as: Aloe Vera, Citrus Fruits, Jojoba, Rosemary, and Sage. Make sure you stray away from all natural products that use natural extracts. Extracts are not as powerful as essentials oils. They are a cheap substitute for the real thing. Although there are several natural hair care products on the market, not all hair growth products are created equal. Make sure you read the fine print. Most 閳ユ笜atural閳?products still contain phosphates, sodium lauryl sulfate, petroleum, mineral oil, and other lab created humectants that ultimately damage your hair. My advice---if you can閳ユ獩 read the ingredients, don閳ユ獩 buy the product. When I was searching for a natural hair growth product, I found one really great buy, Beauty 4 Ashes Super Hair Growth System. You can find it wwwdiscoverb4acom.

Also, here are some tips that have worked on several of my clients who have dealt with minor thinning to severe hair loss.

Tip #1: Change your diet.

Increase your intake of proteins. Don't load up on bacon, but load up on fish, eggs, beans, and cheese. Also, don't forget your milk.

Tip # 2: Drink plenty of water

6-8 glasses is a must. 8-12 is even better.

Tip #3: Get your vitamins

Avoid prenatal vitamins if you are not pregnant. Take a B Complex and a Vitamin E.

Tip #4: Place as little heat and chemicals on your hair as possible.

Tip #5: Live a stress free life.

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