Monday, July 27, 2009

Did box braids grow your hair?

My hair broke at the back due to over-processing and to give it a rest, I put in box braids. I use pink oil to oil my roots, and a spray called Better Braids to condition. So if there is anyone out there who had box braids, did it grow your hair? Oh and if it helps I am African-American Guyanese with wavy hair (not as tightly coiled as a regular african american's).

Did box braids grow your hair?

Braids do encourage hair growth. I just got my hair braided yesterday. If you leave your box braids in for at least 5 months, your hair should grow. Make sure that when you do take your braids out, you don't get a relaxer right away and remember to Condition your hair 3 times a week. This will keep your hair from falling out. If you could, buy a hair growth vitamin with amino acid to take while you wear your box braids. It will make your hair stronger and healthier.

Hope this helps

1 comment:

  1. I am curerntly wearing braids they have only been in for two weeks and I see my new growth. I use. African pride braid spray and oil my scalp with coconut oil, make sure the products you use have no mineral or petroleum oil in it that only leads to build up. The longest you should leave box braids in are 2 months maxx. Make sure u deep condition at least once a week.They do help your hair grow I have seen growth in my hair.
