Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair Problem?

I am taking medication for acne (tetracycline)that dries out the face and scalp. I have dandruff and dry scalp at the hairline! I have tried head and shoulders it didn't work! I am african-american and it is dried out my hair and stripped my perm, my hair is a nighmare. My professor told me how bad my dandruff was during a final today!I do not plan on leaving my house unitl this problem is solved. How embarrassing!!!Help!

Hair Problem?

Try this homemade remedy:

Interesting Hair Conditioner for Those With a Dandruff Problem


2Tablespoon plain yoghurt

1Tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1pinch black pepper

1. Mix everything together.

2. Scrub it into your scalp.

3. Allow it to remain on your hair for 1 hour.

4. In this time, it will dry on your hair.

5. Let that happen.

6. Then, rinse it out with water which is not too hot, just about room temperature, or preferably on the cooler side.

7. Do this every day!

8. This helps to cleanse the scalp and reduce itching.

9. Moreover, it works as a good hair conditioner!

Hair Problem?

have you tried selsun blue??

Hair Problem?

talk to your dermatologist about the problem. as for your professor...after you are sure you don't have to take any more of his finals and your grade is posted...tell him he is an ***.

Hair Problem?

pro active,and head and shoulders are your best friend right now.

Hair Problem?

Really.. see a doctor. This is not something yo want to continue dealing with or you could end up losing some or all of your hair! Call the doc who prescribed the antibiotic since there are a lot more meds that help with acne but don't have side effects this severe. He may just lower your dose, too!

Hair Problem?

Maybe ask your derm. for a different medication. Tetracycline is only one solution to many acne problems. I used to take the stuff, and I was getting bruises on my legs if they touched something. My dermatologist then put me on Keflex (which is an antibiotic) and gave me topical Retin-A and some other kind of cream to put on my face in the morning. It might be more of a pain to do it this way, but it might possilby eliminate your dandruff problem. Your derm. could also give you special shampoo and/or hairstyling products. (My friend had to do that for her psoriasis of the scalp.) Good luck!

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